martes, 5 de septiembre de 2017

TWIN PEAKS And Go to Hell David Lynch.

What follows is my FULL OF SPOILERS rant about the whole Twin Peaks experience that finished quite a horribly and frustrating fashion last Sunday, September the 3rd 2017 after 27 years of the series being aired for the first time. So if you haven't seen the series to it's end DO NOT READ FURTHER.

You have been warned.

My previous post in Instagram was ire fueled and i wont apologize for it.

David Lynch can go fuck himself along with the high white horse he rode in on. He is a lazy writer that builds on way more weird, awesome and mind bending stuff than he cares to resolve at the end of the story and most of that which he dismisses gets the backhand because he just can't deal with explaining whatever insanity comes out if his head or because he doesn't have the time for it or just doesn't care to indulge on his fan base's basic need for understanding at least a few of the most interesting ideas he proposed during the run of the show.

Any way you see it, David Lynch is that girl that keeps you hot enough to get you to do whatever she wants and when you can't stand it anymore and ask for it she leaves in a hurry looking for her next "microwave maneuver" victim... He's that guy that will whisper that he loves you endlessly to your ear to keep you purring and dripping but when it's time to commit he runs away to another lover. And he can get away with it because he's David F. Lynch...

Having said that i have to give props to the man for he is brilliant in his mysterious (and often soul scarring) proposals and his manipulation of spirit and mind through image and (specially) sound applications.

There's nothing in cinema or television like the Lynchian experience and my only beef with him is that one fact I mentioned above: He is the laziest jerk ever when it comes to giving closure to his proposals and I despise him for that.

Regarding Twin Peaks... I started following the series from day one. It was Lynch on television!! I mean this is the guy that gave us Dune! The adaptation of an inadaptable novel! The same guy that gave us Eraser Head (almighty God have mercy) and Mulholland Drive and A myriad of amazing and nightmarish movies... and it paid off... Gods in Valhalla it did. There was nothing in television ever like Twin Peaks. I fell instantly in love with the imagery of the place, the ghostly ambiance of the woods with its waterfalls and old and looming Douglas Firs Trees. I became enthralled with the mysterious way the townspeople behaved and then came Special FBI Agent Dale Cooper. Gods damn he was perfect! I say this with the utmost admiration: clean cut, focused and brilliant Dale Cooper was the perfect embodiment of self control over body and mind and still he was able to Marvel and Awe himself to the clouds with the simplest of things. Oh and he was an Optimist that was confident enough on his belief that some things are meant to happen and all we can do is allow the current to sweep us to whatever new frontiers awaits us.

That's just a small stroke of what i have to say about Agent Cooper but I wouldn't be honest if I didn't state that although my heart and soul traveled with Agent Cooper, significant pieces of that same heart where taken by most of the denizens of that weirdest and gorgeous of mountain towns called Twin Peaks and that, right there is the main problem the series have. It's characters are so likeable (with some notable exceptions as its supposed to be like Leo Johnson) that you care to see how everything ends for each and last one of them and you don't get to see that except for a few of them.

Lynch's character development is beautiful in Twin Peaks and each of the main arc's characters become so important to the viewer that when they suddenly dissapear or are abandoned by Lynch because he's not interested in them anymore it's heartbreaking. You feel nothing less of betrayed as a faithful viewer.

Let's start with the basics here: the zone of twin peaks is the epicenter of a multidimensional rift in reality. Entities traveling between those realities cross the Ghost Woods of twin peaks in silent invisibility but "felt" by the locals.

Many of those spirits have crossed to this realm and loving this reality they tend to possess objects, persons or even parts of a person if that's what it takes to stay here.

The trees, the clouds, rivers and even that "damned good cup of joe" is a testament to that as weird as that sounds.

In the third season we are confirmed that many of these entities are evil and can be extremely mean with human souls when someone dies in the area as we see it happen to Josie Packard's soul as it ends trapped in a wooden knob in a room in the Great Northern Hotel (that is made almost entirely in wood by the way).

The Great Northern hotel is in fact home to some of some to the most important black lodge spirits, most notably Killer Bob and the Seemingly benign Giant/Fireman Spirits.

In the third season you find Ben Horne, now a fully reformed man, wondering about the buzzing sound he hears coming out of the walls (same sound the message device given to Bobby Briggs made when he opened and same buzzing heard in the hospital prior to Cooper waking up from his coma to see Mike rending the space between realities to communicate with him.

What happens with the hotel? And Ben Horne? And the girl attacked by Richard (now identified as Bob's son and product of Bob raping Audrey while hospitalized?

What happens to the trapped soul of Josie? Are there any more human souls trapped in the walls and furniture of what, to me at least, is now one of the most hellish places on earth?

Speaking about Ben Horne... what about Audrey? Why did all the music sequences happened in that bar? What about the oriental youngster pushed from her table to end up screaming at the top of her lungs at the end of an episode never to be seen again? And while you're at it can you explain what the hell happened when she came to the bar accompanied by that Sontaran escapee from Dr. Who she had for a husband, then started dancing in a trance only to wake up in a brightly illuminated white room looking at a mirror and dressed in what looked like a patient gown?

And remember the band playing music in black lodge fashion... backwards but forwards making it appear like the inside of the place is a part of that black lodge dimension?

You can't? Ok then how about the woman honking in the car after the gun accident (man I wanted to kill her after the first 20 car honks) and the horribly sick and seemingly re-animated green toned skin child zombie oozing green vomit from the corners of the mouth as the woman screamed in horror?

Why put that there? Why show us that if he wasn't intending on following it to a conclusion or at least make it tie to the rest of the storyline?

What happened to Donna? Did she die? Did she leave?

Who was the Child whose body was invaded by a frog-bird-fly creature that came from one of the eggs floating in the vomit of "The Entity" when the Nuclear Bomb Exploted? (Same vomit we see Killer Bob come out of...). Was that Sarah Palmer? Is that why she had this monster entity inside of her in the third season?

What the hell happened to Phillip Jeffries? Is he a Giant Teapot or was he the glob of light being bathed in the steam coming out of the teapot machine? How did it happen and why was he in the same room where Leeland/Bob killed Theresa Banks? (At last seems like the same hotel to me but we now know its another intra-dimensional passage conected to the Duchman (which in turn is a sort of moving passage between the Red Room, the Black Lodge and the hotel where the now transformed Jeffriedls resides.

What was Mayor Briggs's head doing in the showing room with the gold dimensional traplant machine? Just floating... after we saw it floating in the ether of space close to the hatch where Cooper came out from the monolithic building he landed on? Was that building the same tower in the middle of a purple sea where the Giant/Fireman lived? Is that the Black Lodge itself?

What a Damned Mess!!!

What about the big box trap in the building where the evil entity was trapped only to escape and make a quick mess of a pair of lovers faces? And where did that evil entity go? (now recognized as the most evil entity to ever plagued creation and responsible for the parasite that entered that young girl and out if which came Bob as a blob in a stream of vomit after the manhattan test bomb.

Was that Judy? And did she invaded Sarah Palmer? If so... why?

( I keep coming back to this question over and over again )

This is a big one.... after 25 years of being free and doing the most henious acts of horror and violence Cooper/Bob is suddenly obsessed with a set of coordinates. Two of them he finds to be a trap to kill him and another is the one he wants but the coordinates are a trap to get him back to (nope!... not the black Lodge this time nor the red room) the monolithic building and into the Giant/Fireman trap and cell where the Giant proceeds to transplant him to The Twin Peaks Sheriff's office to meet his destiny.... but hold it.... hold it just one god damned minute here... wasn't Bob trying to stay as far away from being trapped into the black lodge again? Why return to the one place HE KNOWS is the portal to the red room and where his kindred spirit enemies are?

Why allow himself to be trapped and when trapped why follow with what is clearly a trap set for him? This creature has elluded aprehension for 25 years only to get trapped like this?

The logic beihind ALL that surrounds evil Cooper/Bob is an unrelenting mess that I kept forcing myself to swallow because "In Lynch we Trust" right?.... right?

We get to see Gordon Cole and Albert again (man I loved these guys! specially Ferrer whom i was sure I wouldn't see again because sadly he died as David Bowie did before the series was released) and we got a deeper understanding of their role as part of a special group investigating the Blue Rose mysteries.

And then we saw them talk and talk about it and all they did that was important for the story was kill the Diane Tulpa (doppelgänger) and witness the return of Diane but missing the apparent destruction of Killer Bob by the One Punch Man dude.

I'm not even talking about the new female agent of the blue rose team... all she did was looking all Femme Fatale and out of place in equal manner.

MAJOR waste of EVERYTHING regarding the blue rose team... they did NOTHING in the series. Nothing. Zilch. Nada. But yet they did had a lot of screentime and we trusted David to give them a special participation in the events to come when the shit hit the fan right?

No! Just Because.

We survived through 15 hours of "Doughie" being the best walking piece of wood this side of Rain Man because in Lynch We Trust and McLachlan stated he and I quote "trusted Lynch to make sense of it all in the end."

Why include the very clear (at least to me anyway) reference to Stephen King's Dark Tower with the Gunslinger statue in front of a tower building where Doughie/Coop worked? Dark Tower is also a multidimensional adventure... so what the hell... was that a coincidence?

And when we finally Do get our wishes granted and we get to see the real Agent Cooper back in full and on the case again (I almost cried in joy when he states "I am the FBI") we only get to see him for less than 2 hours and then the series ends in the most confusing and soul rending way possible... why? Because Lynch thrives in leaving people fucked up after witnessing whatever piece of nightmare he picked out of his brain without any explaining or closure offered and that is, dear reader exactly what he does in Twin Peaks.

But the problem here is that this is no mere movie. Its not an essay nor a piece of work you can easily dismiss.

This is His Magnum Opus. It's a story 27 years in the making that has kept fans in limbo for 25 odd years waiting for the closure those characters deserved and when those 25 years passed and it was announced that Twin Peaks returned to our sceens we all raised Lynch to Godhood status for being such a visionary and for keeping focused throughout the years about continuing the story.

In Lynch we trust.

And no one trusted David Lynch like I have since the return was announced. I kept bringing people into the weird world of Twin Peaks and telling them how much it was worth experiencing it before jumping into the black lodge after Cooper. How many people I told how much of a Genius David was I no longer have an idea but I kept at it relentlessly ... and then those two last episodes came.

And I had to write this rant...

BECAUSE I DESERVE IT! Because for 27 years I've trusted David Lynch to bring closure to characters I've loved for that many years but in the end all we got was another cliffhanger and even more questions with no hope of them being answered because both Kyle McLachlan and Showtime have given no affirmatives to a 4th season and the worse thing is... I don't think I want Lynch to ever touch Twin Peaks again and further ruin it with more unexplained bullshit for the sake of mystery.

Ferrer is now dead. So is David Bowie and we got to see the last heartbreaking moments of Catherine Coulson as the Log Lady who, in case you didn't knew was really dying during the filming of her episodes in the 3rd season and sadly passed away a few weeks after she finished her last call to deputy Hawk leaving the town of Twin Peaks forever.

I'm done with Lynch. I no longer care about his "creative genius".

And you know the absolute worst?

I still love Twin Peaks! I'll forever be enthralled by it's mysteries and its people and the horror of the bizarre black lodge and it's denizens.

I love it just as I love Cooper, Albert, Gordon, Hawk, Sheriff Truman, Andy and Lucy, Donna and Audrey and Shelly, the log Lady and even the monstrous Bob and Mike and his arm and every last character that appeared in the show. I love everything that Twin Peaks gave me prior to its last episode

And that is something David Lynch can't take away from me.

So Fuck him and the high white horse he rode in on... really!

On a good note: Big Ed got the girl in the end so that's something! ❤️


#twinpeaks #itshappeningagain #davidlynch #fuckyoudavidlynch #kylemclachlan #blacklodge #theowlsarenotwhattheyseem